Hampton Storytelling Festival
July 17-20, 2025
All Events are FREE!
All Events in Hampton, VA
Thank you!
Thanks to all who came and listened!
Thanks to our Storytelling Academy Participants!
Thanks to all our Partners and Supporters!
Thanks to all of our volunteers!
Thanks to our Local Showcase Storytellers!
Thanks to our Regional and National Storytellers!
Thanks to our staff!
Thanks to you our 2nd Annual Hampton Storytelling Festival has been wonderful! Without all of you, this festival couldn't happen. We hope you’ll agree that the Festival was a great success, and trust that some of the stories you heard provided memories to treasure. We hope you’ll continue to join us in our efforts to make storytelling an important driver in building community in Hampton.
Dates have been set for the
3rd Annual Hampton Storytelling Festival!
Join us July 17-20, 2025
Mark your calendars now!
All continued efforts require more...more hands and more minds. Please reach out to Janice Johnson at Janice.JohnsonVA@gmail.com. to explore ways you can help
Please join us in supporting the Festival!
Or use this QR code for donations
Our Partners
Working Together
We work with some truly incredible sponsors who help make Everybody's Got A Story possible. Contributing to our festival is a fantastic way for local businesses and individuals to gain publicity and support from our community, while giving something back as well. Check out some of our most recent sponsors below.
Peninsula Community Foundation
Generous Contributors
What if every child born on the Peninsula was born healthy and received the love, nurturing and education necessary to grow up strong and independent? What if every person living here had a place to call home that was safe and secure?
What if every graduating high school senior had access to the necessary resources they needed to continue their education and develop the skills necessary for success? What if all of our neighborhoods, including the oldest, were safe places to live and great places to raise families?
Citizens Unity Commission
Support and Creativity
The Citizens' Unity Commission (CUC) is a 19-member, citizen-based commission, which was created as a result of findings and recommendations from several studies on diversity issues, in the City of Hampton, in 1995. Since its inception, this commission has focused on promoting and sponsoring activities and events that bring citizens together, encourages positive interactions between diverse individuals and groups, promotes the value of respect for differences, and creates opportunities for learning and growing together.
Fox Hill Neighborhood Association
Lasting Impact
Fox Hill groups created their first neighborhood center in a building at Grundland Park. It was used from the mid-1970s until it was destroyed by a tornado in 2014. That center served as a site for youth sports registrations and banquets, various meetings, senior citizens gatherings, weddings, funerals, family reunions and spaghetti suppers and fish fries, often fund-raisers for local organizations.
Virginia Organizing
Real People, Real Change
Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. Virginia Organizing especially encourages the participation of those who have traditionally had little or no voice in our society. By building relationships with individuals and groups throughout the state, Virginia Organizing strives to get them to work together, democratically and non-violently, for change.
Weyanoke Association
Telling Our Own Story
We are Red-Black people. We are people of both Native American and African ancestry, and give ourselves permission to honor ALL our Ancestors. We are who WE say we are, not what others call us.​
Instead of whispering, "My grandmother was an Indian," do the research. Look up the records. Read a book. Go to a powwow. Learn about and participate in the culture. And stand tall.
Hampton History Museum
Building a Better Future
The Hampton History Museum works every day to build a better future by exploring and preserving our past. Our collection, exhibitions, lectures, cultural presentations, educational activities, oral histories, and other programs, are part of our overall strategy to share the full story of our past and learn from it to understand the present.
Victorian Station
Special Events Venue, Making Music and Memories
Food and drink and facility operations are managed by Victorian Station, also known as "The Big Pink." Big Pink Music is a separate non-profit organization that provides financial support, via member donations, to certain events held at Victorian Station - and these events are all open to the public.
36 N. Mallory St., historic Phoebus, Hampton, VA, 757 723-5663 - Victorianstation@cox.net
Your support means everything! Please give as you are able. Use the link below and be sure to designate your donation for
Everybody's Got a Story.
Thank you!
Everybody’s Got A Story operates under a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing, which is a 501(c)3 and accepts tax-deductible financial contributions on our behalf.
Virginia Organizing is officially registered with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23209. You can write to this Department for all relevant financial statements and procedures regarding the solicitation of contributions. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.